How to Pass the Professional-Cloud-Database-Engineer PDF Exam?

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Google Professional Cloud Database Engineer Exam Dump

Question: 1


Your company wants to migrate an Oracle-based application to Google Cloud. The application team currently uses Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) to back up the database to tape for long-term retention (LTR). You need a cost-effective backup and restore solution that meets a 2-hour recovery time objective (RTO) and a 15-minute recovery point objective (RPO). What should you do?

A. Migrate the Oracle databases to Bare Metal Solution for Oracle, and store backups on tapes on-premises.
B. Migrate the Oracle databases to Bare Metal Solution for Oracle, and use Actifio to store backup files on Cloud Storage using the Nearline Storage class.
C. Migrate the Oracle databases to Bare Metal Solution for Oracle, and back up the Oracle databases to Cloud Storage using the Standard Storage class.
D. Migrate the Oracle databases to Compute Engine, and store backups on tapes on-premises.

Answer : C

Question: 2

You are migrating a telehealth care company's on-premises data center to Google Cloud. The migration plan specifies:

PostgreSQL databases must be migrated to a multi-region backup configuration with cross-region replicas to allow restore and failover in multiple scenarios.

MySQL databases handle personally identifiable information (PII) and require data residency compliance at the regional level.

You want to set up the environment with minimal administrative effort. What should you do?

A, Set up Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring with Cloud Functions to send an alert every time a new database instance is created, and manually validate the region.
B. Set up different organizations for each database type, and apply policy constraints at the organization level.
C. Set up Pub/Sub to ingest data from Cloud Logging, send an alert every time a new database instance is created, and manually validate the region.
D. Set up different projects for PostgreSQL and MySQL databases, and apply organizational policy constraints at a project level.

Answer : B

Question: 3

Your company wants to move to Google Cloud. Your current data center is closing in six months. You are running a large, highly transactional Oracle application footprint on VMWare. You need to design a

solution with minimal disruption to the current architecture and provide ease of migration to Google Cloud. What should you do?

A. Migrate applications and Oracle databases to Google Cloud VMware Engine (VMware Engine).
B. Migrate applications and Oracle databases to Compute Engine.
C. Migrate applications to Cloud SQL.
D. Migrate applications and Oracle databases to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Answer: A


Question: 4

Your customer has a global chat application that uses a multi-regional Cloud Spanner instance. The application has recently experienced degraded performance after a new version of the application was launched. Your customer asked you for assistance. During initial troubleshooting, you observed high read latency. What should you do?

A. Use query parameters to speed up frequently executed queries.
B. Change the Cloud Spanner configuration from multi-region to single region.
C. Use SQL statements to analyze SPANNER_SYS.READ_STATS* tables.
D. Use SQL statements to analyze SPANNER_SYS.QUERY_STATS* tables.

Answer: B


Question: 5

Your company has PostgreSQL databases on-premises and on Amazon Web Services (AWS). You are planning multiple database migrations to Cloud SQL in an effort to reduce costs and downtime. You want to follow Google-recommended practices and use Google native data migration tools. You also want to closely monitor the migrations as part of the cutover strategy. What should you do?

A. Use Database Migration Service to migrate all databases to Cloud SQL.
B. Use Database Migration Service for one-time migrations, and use third-party or partner tools for change data capture (CDC) style migrations.
C. Use data replication tools and CDC tools to enable migration.
D. Use a combination of Database Migration Service and partner tools to support the data migration strategy.

Answer: B

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